jhaag Translation
Roman Urdu | Urdu | Meaning in English | |
jhaag | جھاگ | Foam | |
jhaag | جھاگ | Froth | |
jhaag | جھاگ | Lather | |
jhaag | جھاگ | spume | |
jhaag | جھاگ | wafer | |

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English to English and Urdu Dictionary
Dictionary is a comparatively huge volume book that contains millions of words of a language with meanings. Moreover, it provides full details about the word origin, meanings, synonymous, similar word and some time word used in sentence to clear the meaning to reader.
Urdu To English Dictionary
he prime focus of this dictionary is on English to Urdu meanings and from Urdu to English translation. Moreover, visitors can get meaning of English by using Roman Urdu words through English alphabet similarly Urdu words require Urdu keyboard, which is available on the page. This dictionary is a classic as well as simple....