Meaning of impressionism in Urdu:
The Urdu Meaning of ("impressionism") is not present in our database at this time soon it will be updated. Extremely sorry you this type of disturbance.
Definition of impressionism in English:
Fine Arts.
(usually initial capital letter) a style of painting developed in the last third of the 19th century, characterized chiefly by short brush strokes of bright colors in immediate juxtaposition to represent the effect of light on objects.
a manner of painting in which the forms, colors, or tones of an object are lightly and rapidly indicated.
a manner of sculpture in which volumes are partially modeled and surfaces roughened to reflect light unevenly.
a theory and practice in literature that emphasizes immediate aspects of objects or actions without attention to details.
a late-19th-century and early-20th-century style of musical composition in which lush harmonies, subtle rhythms, and unusual tonal colors are used to evoke moods and impressions.
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The Urdu Meaning of ("impressionism") is not present in our database at this time soon it will be updated. Extremely sorry you this type of disturbance.
1. Fine Arts. (usually initial capital letter) a style of painting developed in the last third of the 19th century, characterized chiefly by short brush strokes of bright colors in immediate juxtaposition to represent the effect of light on objects. a manner of painting in which the forms, colors, or tones of an object are lightly and rapidly indicated. a manner of sculpture in which volumes are partially modeled and surfaces roughened to reflect light unevenly. 2. a theory and practice in literature that emphasizes immediate aspects of objects or actions without attention to details. 3. a late-19th-century and early-20th-century style of musical composition in which lush harmonies, subtle rhythms, and unusual tonal colors are used to evoke moods and impressions.
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