Meaning of Treater in Urdu:
1 . [Noun] مذاکرہ؛ معاملت؛ ہنڈی وغیرہ سکارنا
Definition of Treater in English:
verb (used with object)
to act or behave toward (a person) in some specified way: to treat someone with respect.
to consider or regard in a specified way, and deal with accordingly: to treat a matter as unimportant.
to deal with (a disease, patient, etc.) in order to relieve or cure.
to deal with in speech or writing; discuss.
to deal with, develop, or represent artistically, especially in some specified manner or style: to treat a theme realistically.
to subject to some agent or action in order to bring about a particular result: to treat a substance with an acid.
to entertain; give hospitality to: He treats diplomats in the lavish surroundings of his country estate.
to provide food, entertainment, gifts, etc., at one's own expense: Let me treat you to dinner.
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1 . [Noun] مذاکرہ؛ معاملت؛ ہنڈی وغیرہ سکارنا
1. to act or behave toward (a person) in some specified way: to treat someone with respect. 2. to consider or regard in a specified way, and deal with accordingly: to treat a matter as unimportant. 3. to deal with (a disease, patient, etc.) in order to relieve or cure. 4. to deal with in speech or writing; discuss. 5. to deal with, develop, or represent artistically, especially in some specified manner or style: to treat a theme realistically. 6. to subject to some agent or action in order to bring about a particular result: to treat a substance with an acid. 7. to entertain; give hospitality to: He treats diplomats in the lavish surroundings of his country estate. 8. to provide food, entertainment, gifts, etc., at one's own expense: Let me treat you to dinner.

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