Meaning of Good in Urdu:
1 . [Adverb] اچھا
2 . [Noun] فائدہ
3 . [Adjective] اچھی
4 . شریف
5 . [Noun] عمدہ
6 . پورا
7 . [Adverb] پوری طرح
8 . [Noun] بھلا
9 . [Noun] تجارتی اشیاء
10 . مفید
11 . ماہر
12 . جگری
13 . سود مند
14 . مناسب
15 . اچھا ہونا
16 . اچھا لگنے والا
17 . ٹھیک ٹھاک
Definition of Good in English:
morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.
satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
of high quality; excellent.
right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.
well-behaved: a good child.
kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed.
honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name.
educated and refined: She has a good background.
financially sound or safe: His credit is good.
genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter.
sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons.
reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice.
healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you.
in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth.
not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer.
favorable; propitious: good news.
cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits.
free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery.
agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time.
attractive; handsome: She has a good figure.
(of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish.
close or intimate; warm: She's a good friend of mine.
sufficient or ample: a good supply.
advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing.
competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic.
skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play.
conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English.
socially proper: good manners.
remaining available to one: Don't throw good money after bad.
comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don't play in the mud in your good clothes.
finest or most dressy: He wore his good suit to the office today.
full: a good day's journey away.
fairly large or great: a good amount.
free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather.
Medicine/Medical. (of a patient's condition) having stable and normal vital signs, being conscious and comfortable, and having excellent appetite, mobility, etc.
fertile; rich: good soil.
loyal: a good Democrat.
(of a return or service in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court.
Horse Racing. (of the surface of a track) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky: This horse runs best on a good track.
(of meat, especially beef) noting or pertaining to the specific grade below “choice,†containing more lean muscle and less edible fat than “prime†or “choice.â€.
favorably regarded (used as an epithet for a ship, town, etc.): the good ship Syrena.
English to Urdu Dictionary
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1 . [Adverb] اچھا
2 . [Noun] فائدہ
3 . [Adjective] اچھی
4 . شریف
5 . [Noun] عمدہ
6 . پورا
7 . [Adverb] پوری طرح
8 . [Noun] بھلا
9 . [Noun] تجارتی اشیاء
10 . مفید
11 . ماہر
12 . جگری
13 . سود مند
14 . مناسب
15 . اچھا ہونا
16 . اچھا لگنے والا
17 . ٹھیک ٹھاک
1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. 2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health. 3. of high quality; excellent. 4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good. 5. well-behaved: a good child. 6. kind, beneficent, or friendly: to do a good deed. 7. honorable or worthy; in good standing: a good name. 8. educated and refined: She has a good background. 9. financially sound or safe: His credit is good. 10. genuine; not counterfeit: a good quarter. 11. sound or valid: good judgment; good reasons. 12. reliable; dependable; responsible: good advice. 13. healthful; beneficial: Fresh fruit is good for you. 14. in excellent condition; healthy: good teeth. 15. not spoiled or tainted; edible; palatable: The meat was still good after three months in the freezer. 16. favorable; propitious: good news. 17. cheerful; optimistic; amiable: in good spirits. 18. free of distress or pain; comfortable: to feel good after surgery. 19. agreeable; pleasant: Have a good time. 20. attractive; handsome: She has a good figure. 21. (of the complexion) smooth; free from blemish. 22. close or intimate; warm: She's a good friend of mine. 23. sufficient or ample: a good supply. 24. advantageous; satisfactory for the purpose: a good day for fishing. 25. competent or skillful; clever: a good manager; good at arithmetic. 26. skillfully or expertly done: a really good job; a good play. 27. conforming to rules of grammar, usage, etc.; correct: good English. 28. socially proper: good manners. 29. remaining available to one: Don't throw good money after bad. 30. comparatively new or of relatively fine quality: Don't play in the mud in your good clothes. 31. finest or most dressy: He wore his good suit to the office today. 32. full: a good day's journey away. 33. fairly large or great: a good amount. 34. free from precipitation or cloudiness: good weather. 35. Medicine/Medical. (of a patient's condition) having stable and normal vital signs, being conscious and comfortable, and having excellent appetite, mobility, etc. 36. fertile; rich: good soil. 37. loyal: a good Democrat. 38. (of a return or service in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) landing within the limits of a court or section of a court. 39. Horse Racing. (of the surface of a track) drying after a rain so as to be still slightly sticky: This horse runs best on a good track. 40. (of meat, especially beef) noting or pertaining to the specific grade below “choice,†containing more lean muscle and less edible fat than “prime†or “choice.â€. 41. favorably regarded (used as an epithet for a ship, town, etc.): the good ship Syrena.
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