Meaning of Even in Urdu:
1 . [Noun] شام
2 . [Verb] ہموار کرنا
3 . [Adverb] بھی
4 . [Verb] برابر ہونا
5 . برابر
6 . [Adverb] باوجود
7 . [Verb] برابر کرنا
8 . [Adverb] اس سے بھی
Definition of Even in English:
level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road.
on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground.
free from variations or fluctuations; regular: even motion.
uniform in action, character, or quality: to hold an even course.
equal in measure or quantity: Add even amounts of oil and vinegar.
divisible by two, as a number (opposed to odd).
denoted by such a number: the even pages of a book.
exactly expressible in integers, or in tens, hundreds, etc., without fractional parts: an even seven miles.
Mathematics. (of a function) having a sign that remains the same when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time.
equally balanced or divided; equal: Check to see if the scales are even.
leaving no balance of debt on either side; square: We will not be even until I can repay him for saving my life.
calm; placid; not easily excited or angered: an even temper.
equitable, impartial, or fair: an even bargain.
English to Urdu Dictionary
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1 . [Noun] شام
2 . [Verb] ہموار کرنا
3 . [Adverb] بھی
4 . [Verb] برابر ہونا
5 . برابر
6 . [Adverb] باوجود
7 . [Verb] برابر کرنا
8 . [Adverb] اس سے بھی
1. level; flat; without surface irregularities; smooth: an even road. 2. on the same level; in the same plane or line; parallel: even with the ground. 3. free from variations or fluctuations; regular: even motion. 4. uniform in action, character, or quality: to hold an even course. 5. equal in measure or quantity: Add even amounts of oil and vinegar. 6. divisible by two, as a number (opposed to odd). 7. denoted by such a number: the even pages of a book. 8. exactly expressible in integers, or in tens, hundreds, etc., without fractional parts: an even seven miles. 9. Mathematics. (of a function) having a sign that remains the same when the sign of each independent variable is changed at the same time. 10. equally balanced or divided; equal: Check to see if the scales are even. 11. leaving no balance of debt on either side; square: We will not be even until I can repay him for saving my life. 12. calm; placid; not easily excited or angered: an even temper. 13. equitable, impartial, or fair: an even bargain.

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